Connections Between Characters and Setting
In a story, characters and the setting are connected and have a relationship with each other, and can help the audience further comprehend the story. Those relationships include how a character's actions can reveal the setting of the story-- but the setting in a story also influences a character's actions. "The Sniper a short story by Liam O'Flaherty, is a good example of this connection.
A character's actions can reveal the setting of the story, take for example, The Sniper, a short story by Liam O'Flaherty. The main character of the story is the first sniper-- the protagonist. Though the protagonist does mention that a civil war was occurring, other actions such as the sniper killing his brother, can also reveal the setting (O'Flaherty). Near the end, it is revealed that the protagonist killed his brother. This action reveals a major part of the story's setting; the story is happening in a civil war-- the Irish Civil War to be exact. A civil war is a war that is happening within a country, but against people with different ideologies. Therefore, it is most likely that people will fight against and kill those they already know in a civil war-- just like what happened with the sniper and his brother.
The Sniper, is set in a civil war (Irish Civil War), and the protagonist of the story is a sniper. Placing the sniper and the setting of the story together, most will expect that the protagonist will be involved in the war; meaning that he (or she) would most likely contribute to eliminating his enemies-- which can include people the sniper knows as it is a civil war. In the end he killed the turret, the female informer and his brother-- all of which are on the opposing side, and one of which is a person the sniper knows. But put the protagonist in The Sniper in a different setting, the sniper would have completed contrasting actions-- showing that the setting in a story affects a character's actions.
Context is significant in The Sniper as it foreshadows the story's plot. The setting tells us that the story is set in a civil war; where people are most likely to be fight against those they know. This foreshadows the story's plot, as it is later revealed that one of the people the sniper shot, is someone the sniper knew-- his own brother.
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